Sunday, December 26, 2010


I wrote this on March 13 2010. It was an assignment for an English class. However this is the edited version.

You ask me what is happiness? so I ponder.
As I close my eyes, I began to wonder.

I remembered the time she taught me how to swim,
or surprised me with my favorite ice cream.

It’s when he would come home from his business trips;
and spends time with me during dinner, and after he would take me to that beach we claimed ours. 

It’s when I rebelled with my best friend,
punching holes and scarring our body,
inhaling our first cigarette, as it’s passed curfew at a party. 

It’s the time I received the letter I’ve been waiting for-
to leave home to discover more. 

It’s receiving that phone call that I’ve been so impatient about.
Or being surprised by that unexpected visitor I thought I would never have.

It’s the time I spent that cold winter day at a barbeque in my backyard.
or singing along to that one song that’s been stuck in my head.

It’s the time I woke up next to him thinking he is the one.
Then realizing that to love is to let go.

When I come to think about it, I wonder what is happiness?
Is it spending it with those I love that have eventually left me-
or will leave me?

It comes in many ways.
It leaves so unexpectedly.
It is to love and to let go. 

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